
Thursday, 21 November 2019

Descriptive writing

Hi Guys welcome to my blog,

How are you?

On 20th of November Fire Jess came and teached our class for the day. She taught us a little different from Miss Scott. While we were with her for writing we wrote an description about Lisa Simpson trying to show not tell. Do you know who Lisa Simpson is? Do you know the phrase Show not tell? Would you like to see what I wrote?

If yes, here is a paragraph I wrote about her face

1st Paragraph - describe her face/head
Lisa had circle shaped eyes the colour of a black screen surrounded by the white choclatey ocean. Her hair was like a spiky hedgehog and her eyelashes were the colour of dark chocolate the size of little sticks. Tiny ears popped out of the sides of her big star shaped head. She had a big nice grin on her face.

Do you think it is good?

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100 Word Count

Hello everybody,

Last week we had a reading activity called 100 word count. If you do not know every week my class get's a word or sentence and write a story with that word or sentence. Last week we had the word Red. Would you like to see my story

If yes, here it is

 There once was a boy called Hentin. He went out  to play in the woods. Hentin saw a girl there with long lovely hair he reached out to her and fell. Red blood was everywhere Hinton was in pain and could not get up. The girl rushed to the rescue and took Hentin to her house. Her name was Manita and years went passed as Hentin and Mantina became best friends. After 11 years they became lovers and got married and had children. Hentin was happy and glad he met Mantina. They lived happily ever after together with their family.
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Wednesday, 13 November 2019


😊Hello Everybody,😊

How are you feeling today?

Next week people will be participating in athletics for Zones. There will be Shot put, Discus, Sprints and Relay. there will be a team of students in our school going from each classroom going. I will be going too with a classmate I know Venice and other people.

Are you going?

Thank you for reading my blog post feel free to comment. 

Friday, 1 November 2019

The Flower Festival

Hello Everybody,

How are you today?

Our class has created flowers made of clay. We used our Chromebooks to search up online and learn how to make our flower or we could just make it up. Since there was going to be a flower festival competition we wanted to join in. After we made it we cooked and painted our flower any colour we would want. Do you want to see mine?

Here it is

Did you like it?

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