
Friday, 20 November 2020

Fun Run

 Talofa Readers,

How is your day going?

On Wednesday we had a fun run. The whole school got to dress up to try become the best dressed class. We went to Kyle Park to have the event there. Everyone got wet and there were lots of obsacles so it was pretty fun.

 Also students got to raise money online for Kids Can and win prizes. I am aiming for one and only one thing the magic ball. And if you wanted to pie the teacher you just need to be one of the top 4 people to raise the most money. But I didn't make that much money.

Here are some pictures if you want to check them out

 Hope you enjoyed reading my blog post feel free to comment if you like.

Good bye

Friday, 6 November 2020

100 WC

 Konichiwa everyone,

Today I will be showing you my 100 word count that our class gets given each and every week of the term. One Hundred Word counts are really fun and sometimes not. I hope you really enjoy reading mine for this week.

Here it is

Once upon a time there lived very little people in a very big world called earth. They had tiny clothes,

tiny food you get the deal. Often humans would sometimes accidently nearly step on them cause they

couldn’t see. So they made a shelter where nobody could ever find them. But among the little people

there was a tiny boy called Tiney with the biggest dreams. To kill a bee. One of the top dangers to the tiny

people. Tiney left with his friend Fred. Then he met the bee and killed it while being camered and lived

happily ever after.

Thanks for reading feel free to comment if you like. Bye

Buddy Class

 Aloha Readers,

Excited for the weekend? Anyway today Room 10, my class, went to Buddy Class like we do every friday. My old buddy Ava has left school so my new buddy is now a boy called Beau. He is very fun to talk and is pretty nice kid.

Here are some photos unluckly there are no pictures of me or my buddy

Thanks for reading please feel free to comment stay safe and have a nice weekend