
Friday, 31 July 2020

Your Self Worth

Talofa Readers,

In class we have been learning about our self worth. Self worth means how good or bad you feel about yourself. 

Our class made a poster indvidually about what makes our self worth go up and go down. Like how someone compliments you it makes you feel good about yourslef and helps your self worth.

Here is my poster

Do the things on my poster incerese or decrease your self worth?

Thanks for visiting my blog feel free to comment.

Friday, 24 July 2020

Winter Sport

Bonjour and welcome,

Hello eveybody welcome back to my blog. How was the Holidays? Anyway This is the first blog post for term 3 YAY. Today the 24th of July we are doing winter sports because of Coverd 19. 

Every friday we get changed into our sports uniform and at lunch we go to the high school. My team is the Diamonds I play netball. Our team is versing another team called SHS Magic. It's the first day for winter sport.

Have you ever played winter sport?

If yes, do you like the uniforms you need to wear?

Merci for viewing my blog feel free to comment if you want.
Au revoir 

Friday, 3 July 2020

Hundrend Word Count

Ciao Everybody,

This is probbaly going to be the last blog post from me for term 2 so be excited for next term. This week our 100 word count prompt was "..and then I saw it..". Hope you enjoy reading my 100 word count.


… and then I saw it …

Some knew me as Steave or mary others Jack or Jane. But my real name was Harry and I’m a giraffe. I’m fifty four years old and the best master disguiser. Us kind are famous for not haveing genders. People can’t tell if we are girls or boys animal or human pretty or not pretty but thats our seacret. Anyway I have decided to retire and become a lazy old normal giraffe and have a child with my wife. So I started walking around and then I saw it. A PANDA! I decided to raise him with Karen my wife.

Do you like it?

Thanks for coming to my blog feel free to comment.

Technology Challege

Aloha Readers,

Today my class had a technolohgy challenge. For this challenge we had to make stills. The equipment we used were tape, scissors, newspaper and string. My group was Kushla, Sanntanah and myself. I cut myself using the scissors. Anhyway our group didin't win the challege we failed but still we tried.

Here is some photos

What do you think?

Have you ever wore high heels?

Thanks for viewing my blog feel free to comment.
Bye bye