
Friday, 29 May 2020

My super power

Good day Everyone,

For topic we were doing a poster about our own superhero and what kind of powers we have. My powers are helping and encourging others, saying kind things, praising others and staying calm in times of stress. We drew our own superhero and we wrote down what super powers they had. 

Here is what my poster looks like?

Looks really good right?

Thanks for checking out my blog feel free to comment. Bye

Friday, 22 May 2020

Iron Tamariki

Aloha Readers,

This week we have started going back to school. We did a cloze called Iron Tamariki. If you forgot a cloze is a story with empty spaces to fill in with words on the list. I would like to share my cloze with you cause its finished.

The cloze
Have you done something like this before?

Thanks feel free to comment bye bye.