
Friday, 26 July 2019

W.A.L.T Use Our Faces To Show Our Emotions

Hi Everyone,

W.A.L.T  use our faces to show our emotions.

For topic our class is learning about Acting, Singing and Dancing.  We first did Acting and used our faces to show our emotions. 

We wrote down on a Padlet what emotions we could feel. After we played a guessing game and used our faces and we tried to guess what emotion they were feeling. The last thing we made was a Google Drawing/Slide and 3 pictures of 3 different emotions.

Here is my google drawing

Do you like it?

Thank you for reading this blog post feel free to comment on my blog anytime you like. Goodbye

Monday, 22 July 2019

The Qqqqqoooo Activity 19 Learning Journey

Hi Everybody,

How are you?

Just one more blog post to do yes. Anyway for this activity I be making something called a Qqqqqoooo. What is a Qqqqqoooo? it is a make believe creature made out of letters. I will be making my very own letter creature. 

Here is an example of one

I was meant to use  

  • Newspaper/Magazine
  • Pen/pencil
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Construction paper
and follow these steps
  1. Pick any 2 letters 
  2. Cut a pile of these 2 letters each from Newspaper/Magazine
  3. Put the letters together to make a creature
But instead I have decided to make a letter creature of a panda on a google drawing using text boxes

Here it is

Did you like it 

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Sunday, 21 July 2019

Exploring For Feathers Activity 18 Learning Journey

Hi Everybody.

So close to activity 20 yay. For this activity I was meant to explore and try to find some feathers and make a big poster with all the different types of feathers I found. I also was meant to try and guess where they came from and write the name of each bird beside the feather. 

I could not find any feathers so I explored google for different bird feathers and made a poster on google drawing and put each birds  name and a link of where I got the picture from beside their feather I found on google.

Check out my poster

Do you like it?

Thank you for reading this blog post feel free to comment or like my blog anytime. Goodbye

Saturday, 13 July 2019

My Artistic Poem Activity Seventeen Learning Journey

Hi Everybody,

For this activity I will be needing to choose an animal and put its name on the side of my page so I can create an artistic poem about it. I have chosen to write an artistic poem about a panda. Have you ever made a artistic poem? I have before it was fun. Would you like to see my artistic poem about the panda?

Here it is

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Whats the Question? Learning Journey Activity Sixteen

Hey Everybody,

For this activity I will be making some maths problems that will add up to 25 Gorillas. There are many ways to make it add up to 25. Can you think of a question? I need to have three questions that add up to 25. I can have more questions if I wanted. Do you want to see my three ways it could add up to this?

If yes, Here they are

1. 100 Divided by 4= 25 

2. 5 x 5= 25

 3. 10+15=25

Add one more question

4. 26 - 1= 25

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post feel free to comment and like my blog anytime. 

A Birds Nest Activity Fifteen Learning Journey

Bonjour Everyone,

This activity will involve a birds nest. For this activity I will be creating a birds nest it could be made out of  recycled matirals like paper or I could use twigs like real birds to. I have used paper,tape and a plastic ball. Have you ever made a birds nest before? Have you ever seen a birds nest before? I have never created a birds nest until now. I have never seen one either. Do you wanna see a photo of my birds nest.

Here it is

Thank you for reading my blog post feel free to comment down below.

Friday, 12 July 2019

Song Maker Activity Fourteen Learning Journey

Hi Everybody,

Nice to blog to you again. For this activity I need to use Song maker and create some music to use to help me tell my favourite story. After I have made my music and picked my favourite song I will Screencastify me reading my favourite story and music playing in the background. I will be reading my 100 word count. It's not my favourite story but I like it. What is your favourite Story? Would you like to check out my Screencastify?

Here is my Screencastify if you want to see it

If you are not able to get on it here is the link to the screencastify.

Thank you for reading my blog post feel free to comment anytime

Sea Artwork Activity Thirteen learning Journey

Hi Readers welcome to my blog,

I'm nearly up to Activity twenty Yay.

For Activity thirteen I will be making an artwork with cool underwater sea creatures with it. I can use stuff like real seashells and sand and also seaweed. Here is a link of some examples and pictures of artwork. Have you ever made something like this? Do you wanna see my artwork?

Here it is

Did you like it?

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Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Animals In The Alphabet Learning Journey Activity 12

Hello Readers,

For this activity I will be trying to make a Alphabet List of all the creatures I can think of. Do you think I can find a creature for all the letters in the alphabet? Do you wanna check out the Alphabet List I made?

If yes, Here it is

Why don't you make one too?

Thank you for reading my blog post feel free to comment and like my blog anytime. Bye bye

Commenting On Others Blogs Activity 11 Learning Journey

Welcome to my blog,

For this activity I won't be needing to make anything. I will just be commenting on other peoples blogs and making sure it has a greeting, a positive, a thoughtful, a helpful and a question to finish off with. Each comment needs to have 5 sentences. I will also be replying to any comments I get from you.

Here is a screenshots of my 3 comments

Thank you for reading my blog post feel free to like and comment anytime.

My Condola Mask Learning Journey Activity 10

Hola Everybody,

For this activity I will be making a mask of my favourite animal. Have you ever made a Mask before? My favourite animal is the Condola but I decided I will be trying to make a mask with the face of a Panda instead. I made my mask with my mum it was fun. We used black and yellow paint. Since we did not have white paint we used yellow paint instead to paint the face. Want to see my Mask? 

Here it is
It's weird right it looks nothing like a panda.

Thank you for reading my blog post feel free to like and comment on my blog anytime. Goodbye 

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Condola Learning Journey Activity 9

konichiwa Everbody,

For activity 9 for the learning journey I will be creating a Non-Chronological report on my favourite animal. If you go back to activity 1 you would know my favourite animal is a Condola. 

Here is my Non-Chronological report

Thank you reading my blog post feel free to like my blog and comment anytime.

The Secret Life Of Pets 2 Activity 8

Malo Readers, 

Have you watched The Secret Life Of Pets 2?

For this activity I need to watch The Secret Life Of Pets 2 trailer and try to find out what the movie is about, what the pets are trying to solve and predict how I think they will solve it.

Here is the link to The Secret Life Of Pets 2 trailer, if you want to check it out yourself.

I think the movie is about a boy named Liam came into Max's life and the pets get worried when the boy leaves to go to preschool and he would do anything to get him back and while he goes out he finds a friend who helps him become braver. During that  Captain snowball and the cat go out to rescue somebody.

I think they Max will solve his problem by learning that Liam is safe and sound and does not need protection all the time. I think Captain Snowball and the cat will save the pet no matter what.

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Measuring Stuffed Animals Activity 7 Learning Journey

Hello everyone,

For this blog post I will be needing a tape measure and a stuffed animal to measure. For this activity I will be measuring a stuffed animal. I have decided to measure my gigantic bear because I thought it would make it easier. It is very big.

Here is the measurements
Body length = 1.2 M or 1.3 M
Legs =58cm
Arms = 48cm
Forehead =42cm

Here is a picture of the bear and tape measure I used to do this



Thank you for reading my blog post feel free to comment and like my blog. Bye bye

Cat+Dog=Cog Activity 6 Learning Journey

Hello Everyone,

Today for this activity I will be trying to make a cool animal by merging two animals together. Here is a link of some cool examples of animals being merged together. I have decided to merge a cat and dog together and call it Cog. 

I chose these two animals cause most people in the world think that cats and dog's don't like each other . In most dog and cat story's and movies the dog is chasing the cat or the cat is frightening the dog.

I think when they are merged together they will become friends and stronger and faster because a cat is very fast and a dog is very strong. 

Here is a picture of the Cog I drew

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Sea Animals Learning Journey Activity 5

Talofa Everybody,

How are you doing today?

For this activity I will be showing you a poster or a DLO. It will be about my family's favourite sea creature and why it is their favourite sea creature. I could not include my baby brother because he can not talk yet. I do not have a favourite sea creature because all sea creatures are amazing. What is your favourite sea creature?

Here is my Poster

Do you like my poster?

Thank you for reading this blog post feel free to comment.

Greater Then Less Then Learning Journey Activity 4

Hello Readers,

For this activity I needed to play a game called "Greater Then Less Then". I found it hard to understand the game so I asked my mum to help me. I played with my mother it was really fun and cool. When I played with my mum I expected to win but instead my mum won. My mum said with a big grin on her face "I always win". 

Here is a pictures of me and my mums sheets

My mums sheet

My sheet

Thank you for reading this blog post feel free to comment and like my blog. Tofa 

Sunday, 7 July 2019

A Homonym Learning Journey Activity 3

Hola Readers,

This time for this activity I will be showing some Homonyms. If you do not know what Homonyms are they are words spelt the same or sound the same but different meanings.

For example like Bark and Bark. They are spelt the same but they both have different meaning's tree bark and dogs barking.

The difference between bark and bat is dogs barking and a bat is a creature.

The difference between bat and bat is a baseball bat and the bat that is a creature.

Another Homonym is a  tie tying things together and a tie you wear.

Can you think of any Homonyms?

Thank you for reading my blog post feel free to leave a comment Goodbye.

Chinchilla VS Porcupine Activity 2 Learning Journey

Hi Everybody,

Would you rather have fur as soft as a Chinchilla 
Spikes like a Porcupine?

For this activity I will be explaining my answer to  this question.

I think I would rather have spikes like a Porcupine. The reason why I would rather have spikes like a porcupine is because I can defend and protect myself and others by using spikes. Also people would not be able to touch me because I am to spiky.



Thank you for reading my blog post please like my blog. Feel free to comment and answer this question too. Goodbye

My Favourite Animal Learning Journey Activity 1

 Hello Everyone,

Today I will be starting my learning journey for in the holidays.

For my first activity I will be telling you my favourite animal in this whole entire world. My favourite animal would be a mythical creature. It is called Condola. 

My Condola has wings of fire and a body of a cheetah with a head of an panther and legs and tail of an lion. Instead of ears the Condola has horns.

The Condola has the ability to fly,speak in different languages and go back in time. She eats Ash and fire hen Condola is hungry. She has no weakness and unstoppable.
Here is a picture of drew of her

Did you like my picture of the Condola?

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Friday, 5 July 2019


Hello Everybody,

Have you ever been in a fundraiser?

This year we will be having new and cool building's to be in. Our school decided to get a new playground so our school would look even cooler. We did not have enough money so our school had a fundraiser. 

The products we sold were Disaster plasters, Reusable bags and Reusable producible a bags. Each student was given a paper and people ordered the products. The three top prizes were 3 skateboards and others to. I won a HAT!

Check out this picture of me with my beautiful hat.

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